
제목없음 WELCOME TO canadavitaminhouse your one stop source for quality health supplement products at exceptional prices.

We carry a wide range of herbal supplements, including vitamins, nutritional supplements, anti-aging, vitality, weight-loss formula, bone health, liver health, skin care and many more.

We do our best to honor any requests you might have. You can contact us via e-mail, phone.

You will definitely enjoy shopping with us.

안녕하세요. 캐나다비타민하우스는 2004년부터 운영되어온 캐나다현지 비타민쇼핑몰입니다.

캐나다비타민하우스 건강식품 전문가가 운영하는 전문 쇼핑몰 입니다.

캐나다비타민하우스는 고품질의 전문제품을 엄선해서 고객 님들께 소개 하고있습니다.

전문화된 고품질 캐나다 천연제품을 여러분의 안방에서 만나 보십시요.


제목없음 Contact Us

Something on your mind? As your vitamin house friend, we love to hear from you! No matter whatever reason you would like to contact us, here are two choices for you to speak out your idea at your convenience.

** Email us

You may also contact us by e-mail at: help@canadavitaminhouse.biz

** Call us

Speak with a customer support representative by calling:

Hours of operation:
10:00 ~ 16:30

We will try our best to meet your need. Here's to your health!

회사명 : 캐나다비타민하우스 | 캐나다사업자등록번호 : 833-88-7037 | 캐나다주소 : 38 1228 Hudson st Coquitlam, BC. V3B0R3 Canada
| 고객센터 : 070-7845-9626 | FAX : 604-469-9259 | 개인정보관리 책임자 : 이한구 | 대표자 : HANGU LEE
고객문의 : help@canadavitaminhouse.biz for more information